Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Thoughts from Miranda

Hello all!

It has been 3 days since we have gotten back from South Korea.
It’s kind of weird being back and eating all of the American foods and everything. I miss Korea a lot. I had so much fun! I have been thinking about what I was going to write about and I decided to write about my homestay and my favorite experiences.

My homestay family was amazing. They were so welcoming. On the first day when we got to Trapalace Apartments where we stayed all of the host families were there to meet us. We all got hugs from our host siblings and moms and the dads took our luggage up to their apartments.  That’s when I first met Hye-Won. She was and is so sweet!

My host mom is such a great cook. Though for the first few days my body couldn’t handle to food great, it got better as time went on. She always got up with us and made us breakfast. Their breakfast was very westernized but had some Korean twists. My favorite was scrambled eggs with crab and ham! Yum! It was so delicious. She also made us toast most days and served it with strawberry jam that she had made. It was delicious.

My host parents did not know much English  but that was okay because I don’t know much Korean. My host mom always said “Good morning!” when she saw me come into the living room. But my host dad usually left before I woke up or was still asleep in the morning. One morning my host mom was having a hard time saying the work “fork” in English and Hye-Won told me to say “Pork and fork” for her mom so she could hear the difference. It was one of my favorite moments.

Another one of my favorite memories was playing Super Smash Bros with my host brother. He was AMAZING at it. And I am pretty good usually but he beat me by a long shot. He kept saying “Good job!” even though I was failing horribly. After that we took a bunch of family pictures. I learnt while I was there that Koreans LOVE to take pictures. Which is nice. That’s one of the best ways to record memories.

Overall the trip was the most amazing thing I have ever done in my life and I can’t wait to go back to Korea! Next time I will know more of the language and probably stay a little longer! I made so many friends. I am so blessed to have been chosen to go on an amazing adventure like this. Here are some of the pictures I took while on the trip!

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